Just one week of immobilization, one week of bed rest, one week of doing nothing, decreases muscle strength and endurance by 20%.
(1) That’s not good for you and surely not good for your back pain. That’s also the reason Most Chiropractic Clinic promotes gentle stretching exercises as one of the Murfreesboro
chiropractic services in your
treatment plan. Nothing too strenuous in the beginning, just some motion. “
Motion is life, and life is motion.” Well, this month’s research article adds to the exercise story.
Researchers partnered with 120 back pain patients who were qualified for back surgery. These patients were diagnosed with herniated discs at L4/L5 or L5/S1. Conventional medical care for the herniated discs was tried first. Then, strength exercises were added. These involved dumbbells, weight training rods/plates, and general fitness exercises. All these patients eventually recovered. All avoided back surgery. All reduced their intake of analgesic drugs. (1) What a testimony to the power of exercise!
Don’t begin anything like this without guidance and talking with Most Chiropractic Clinic first. But know that weight training is very good for you, and combining it with flexibility exercises is vital. Exercise like this improves motor coordination and even the function of internal organs. Weak muscles lead to back pain which keeps you from moving which leads to more reduction in muscle strength. (1) Don't let that happen!
Contact Most Chiropractic Clinic or call us at 615-893-1254 to schedule an appointment to talk about exercise and the type that’s right to add to your Murfreesboro chiropractic treatment plan that will be most beneficial. Keep moving! “Motion is life, and life is motion.”
"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the
DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by
Dr. James M. Cox I."